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Inesfly Africa's won the Paint Award of the year 2015 at the Abuja Housing Award Show
Inesfly Africa has won the Paint Company of the Year Award 2015 at this year’s Abuja Housing Show which took place from 6th to 8th July in Abuja, Nigeria.
The annual Housing Show provides an opportunity for key stakeholders in the real estate and construction industries to meet, discuss their unique challenges, and discover new products and technologies on the market.
The award, which was presented to Inesfly Africa at the Awards Dinner, demonstrates the strides Inesfly Africa is making towards the goal to eradicate Malaria and other vector borne diseases across the African continent.
Dr. Pilar Mateo won an “Optimistas Comprometidos” Award
Inesfly at Mogo Event

The CEO of Inesfly Africa visited Bolivia with Dr. Pilar Mateo

2nd Exclusive marketing Forum
International Building Construction & Properties
Inesfly Africa Exhbition Stand

Sales excutive interacting with potentials during the exhibition

Sales Team ready for the exhibition show at Tarkwa Mines

Inesfly Stand

Sales excutive interacting with potentials during the exhibition