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Inesfly Africa wins 2 prestigious awards in 2017
Inesfly Africa grabs 2 awards at Manufacturing Awards

May 9, 2017

Inesfly Africa emerged as the Promising Manufacturing Company of the Year and Manufacturing Innovations Company of the Year during the 2017 Manufacturing Awards event held at Kempinksi Hotel.

The awards event organized by Xodus Communications, was heavily attended by giants in the manufacturing industry including Inesfly Africa and Interplast Limited, among....


Inesfly products fight Bedbugs in second cycle institutions or Senior high schools
‘Inesfly will fight bugs in educational institutions’

May 1, 2017


Inesfly Africa Limited, an insecticide manufacturing company, has rolled out a campaign strategy to rid all educational institutions across the country of bedbugs.

According to the company, while “the campaign is in line the company’s general strategy of eradicating insect-vectors in multi-sectors including public health, hospitality and veterinary health, the menace of bedbug infestations in our educational institutions has called for an urgent response to curtail the situation before it escalates into a national disaster”....


Inesfly Africa collaborates with AMA to improve public health
Inesfly Africa Limited collaborates with AMA to improve public health

January 24, 2017

Inesfly Africa Limited and the Public Health Department of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) have joined hands to provide lasting solutions to the menace of vector transmitted infestations in the metropolis.

The partnership which will be executed in phases over a two-year period will see to the treatment of major places of public activities which are high risk areas regarding vector development and disease transmission such as malaria and cholera....

Inesfly Africa won Paint Company of the Year Award 2015
Inesfly Africa won the Paint Award for the year 2015 at the Abuja Housing Award Show 

July 10, 2015


Inesfly Africa has won the Paint Company of the Year Award 2015 at this year’s Abuja Housing Show which took place from 6th to 8th July in Abuja, Nigeria. The annual Housing Show provides an opportunity for key stakeholders in the real estate and construction industries to meet, discuss their unique challenges, and discover new products and technologies on the market.


Dr. Pilar Mateo won an "Optimistas Comprometidos" Award
Dr. Pilar Mateo won an “Optimistas Comprometidos” Award 

April 13, 2015


On April 13th 2015, Dr. Pilar Mateo, Inesfly’s Founder, won an “Optimistas Comprometidos” Award for her scientific and humanitarian work.  Dr. Mateo commented that for her, science should not only be limited to the laboratory but should be dedicated to listening to what is happening in the world, especially the impoverished conditions that people live in. 


Inesfly Africa at Mogo Event
Inesfly at Mogo Event 

March 28, 2015


Inesfly sponsored the Music of Ghanaian Origin (MOGO) Festival organized by Citi FM which took place from the 21st to 28th March. Check out some of the pictures from the MOGO Awards night on 28th March at the Accra International Conference Centre. 


Inesfly Africa CEO visit Bolivia with Dr. Pilar Mateo
The CEO of Inesfly Africa visited Bolivia with Dr. Pilar Mateo 

February 02, 2015


The CEO of Inesfly Africa visited Bolivia with Dr. Pilar Mateo to lead a discussion against the Chagas infestation and discuss how the Inesfly Technology can contribute to the fight against this disease.


Researchers and Specialists from Bolivia and Colombia, have also joined the team in support of the Inesfly Project as thousands of poor people are continuously dying from this disease.


Inesfly will continue its efforts in 2015 against endemic diseases. 

International Building, Construction & Properties (IBCPE) housing show
International Building Construction & Properties

September 25, 2014


The international Building Construction and Properties (IBCPE), created the most convenient platform for the construction industry where quality material and professionals gathered to showcase their expertise at Movenpick

Inesfly Africa participate in building, construction and properties housing show
International Building Construction & Properties

September 25, 2014


The international Building Construction and Properties (IBCPE), created the most convenient platform for the construction industry where quality material and professionals gathered to showcase their expertise at Movenpick

Ghana Water and West Africa building and construction exhibition
Ghana Water & West Africa Building and Construction Exhibition 2014

 July 02 2014


The Exhibition is accomplished by two critical Seminars, one on water and other on Building and Construction with the general theme “Water, Sanitation and Infastructural Challenges facing Ghana in the 21st Century”

International Malaria Day- visit from University of Ghana Legon
International Malaria Day – A visit from students of University of Ghana, Legon

April 25, 2014


Inesfly Africa explained to the students of the Biology and Entomology department University of Ghana, how Inesfly Insecticide Paint reduces the chances of getting malaria significantly 

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Inesfly Africa Limited |  Plot #10 Adjuma Crescent | South Industrial Area|  P. O. Box KN 5574,  Accra - Ghana |Digital Address: GA-175-9989
Customer Care: +233 (0) 577 668 111 / +233 (0) 577 701 000 |

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