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Inesfly insecticide products in agriculture
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Agriculture contributes for a large part to Ghana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The main industrial crops are cocoa, palm oil, cotton, rubber, pineapple, mango, sugar cane and tobacco. The main food crops are corn, yams, and cassava.


Insects have a direct impact on these crop productions by chewing the leaves of crop plants, sucking out plant juices, boring within the roots, stems or leaves, and spreading plant pathogens. They feed on natural fibers, destroy wooden building materials, ruin stored grain, and accelerate the process of decay. They also have a profound impact on the health of humans and domestic animals by causing annoyance, inflicting bites and stings, and transmitting disease.


Inesfly develops products with the eye on crop protection to further enhance the productivity of the Ghanaian farmer to ensure he obtains high yields profitably.


Therefore, Inesfly Africa recommends an Integral System for pest control

  • Control crop pests in field

  • Control crop pests in post-harvest

  • Control pest in transport

Control crop pests in field

Control crop pests in field

Inesfly products can be applied on the trunk of the cocoa tree, as a preventive treatment for termites and cocoa stem borers. The Inesfly solutions are also a preventive control for red palm weevil and the control of ants.

Control crop pests in field

Control crop pests in field

Spray the Inesfly treatments on the trunk, branches, leaves and fruits as curative control for cocoa shield bugs, cocoa mirids, mealy bugs and aphids. For the protection of bites of the farmer, Inesfly Body repellent, protects the farmer for up to 6 hours

Control pests in post-harvest

Control pests in post-harvest

Warehouses, processing areas and drying areas are places where insects live. Walls, roofs and another vertical surfaces painted with Inesfly paint drastically reduces the amount of flying and crawling insects. Floors and other surfaces treated with Inesfly spray or floor cleaner will reduces the amount of crawling insects.

Control pests in post-harvest

Control pests in post-harvest

Jute bags commonly used in packing crops can protect the crops now against moths and beetles in an improved way. Fabric bags can be treated externally with the Inesfly Solutions.

Control pests in post-harvest

Control pests in post-harvest

Wooden pallets usually join the packing of crops bags and represent a risk of infestation by termites in storage and transport. Inesfly coatings are a long lasting preventive treatment against these termites.

Control pests in transport

Control pests in transport

Containers have to be properly treated to ensure the complete and persistent disinfection of its load during transport. Inesfly treats the container against insects, thereby contributing to the protection of the crop.

Inesfly Insecticide Exterior Paint

Effective against insects for up to

2 years

Inesfly insecticide solution, EM House, Bedbugs solution

Effective against insects for up to 1 month

Inesfly Insecticide Top Coat, SP Coating

Effective against insects for up to

1 year

Inespalm for agricultural purposes

Effective against insects for up to

1 year


Inesfly Insecticide Interior Paint

Effective against insects for up to 2 years

Inesfly insecticide floor cleaner

Effective against insects for up to to 2 weeks

Inesfly body insect repellent 30ml and 100ml

Effective against insects for up to 6 hours


AGAINST Rhynchophorus ferrugineus


The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is an important pest of palms. It has recently colonized the Mediterranean Basin where it is a serious problem on ornamental Phoenix canariensis palms.


The effi cacy of INESFLY paint against this weevil has been studied by Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research. Semifi eld trials dismissed INESFLY as a curative insecticide but showed the potential of this product in the preventative control of R. ferrugineus in palms.


One single application could prevent infestation for up to 6months with a mean effi cacy of 83.3%.

Evaluation of the efficacy of Inesfly insecticide Paint on Canary Palms



In this study carried out by Valencian Institute for Agricultural

Research, a 15-cm band of INESFLY was painted around citrus

trunks. The effi cacy of this paint and a sticky barrier to exclude

ants from foraging in citrus trees was evaluated in two citrus

orchards during the season in two diff erent ant communities,

one dominated by Lasius grandis and the other by Linepithema



Field results demonstrated that a single application of INESFLY

at the beginning of the season was highly eff ective in excluding

ants from canopies throughout the season. INESFLY provides

an effi cient and more economical alternative than current ant

exclusion strategies used in many perennial crops.

Efficacy trials of Inesfly Paint to exclude ants form citrus canopies



PALM. (2010-2013)

INESPALM was tested by CSIR-Oil Palm Research Institute and Faculty of Science (University of Ghana) on some major insect pests of oil and coconut palms at Kusi in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The insect pests include the oil palm leaf

miner Coelaenomenodera lameensis, the oil palm weevil Temnoschoita quadripustulata, the brown striped oil palm weevil Rhynchophorus phoenicis and the rhinoceros beetle Oryctes monoceros.


The method used in the application of the chemical was mainly by dipping in the case of laboratory investigation and in one particular case, ingestion by feeding the larvae with treated food.


The field investigation involves manual spraying in the case of nursery palms and for the tree palms on the field, through trunk injection. Both laboratory and fi eld investigations show that INESPALM insecticide is eff ective against all the test insect pests and can be used to control the insect species on oil and

coconut farms and plantations.

Efficacy trials of Inespalm insecticide against major insect pests of Oil Palm



PALM. (2010-2013)

INESPALM was tested by CSIR-Oil Palm Research Institute and Faculty of Science (University of Ghana) on some major insect pests of oil and coconut palms at Kusi in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The insect pests include the oil palm leaf miner Coelaenomenodera lameensis, the oil palm weevil Temnoschoita quadripustulata, the brown striped oil palm weevil Rhynchophorus phoenicis and the rhinoceros beetle Oryctes monoceros.


The method used in the application of the chemical was mainly by dipping in the case of laboratory investigation and in one particular case, ingestion by feeding the larvae with treated food.


The field investigation involves manual spraying in the case of nursery palms and for the tree palms on the field, through trunk injection. Both laboratory and fi eld investigations show that INESPALM insecticide is effective against all the test insect pests and can be used to control the insect species on oil and coconut farms and plantations.

Efficacy trials of Inesplam insecticide against major pests of oil palm
Insect pest of crops

Pest of Crops

Insect pest of crops
Pest control on post harvest, storage and transport


Inesfly Africa Limited |  Plot #10 Adjuma Crescent | South Industrial Area|  P. O. Box KN 5574,  Accra - Ghana |Digital Address: GA-175-9989
Customer Care: +233 (0) 577 668 111 / +233 (0) 577 701 000 |

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